Varicocele Embolization in India: Cost, Procedure, Benefits & Insurance Coverage

Varicocele is abnormal dilatation of the veins in the scrotal sac .It can be treated surgically or through minimally invasive techniques like embolization .The procedure used to treat enlarged veins within the scrotum. Important symptoms can be pain, swelling, or infertility in men. varicocele Embolization is done with no major cut and suture .The procedure involves using fine catheters into a vein, typically in the groin or neck, and moving it to the affected veins in the scrotum. Tiny coils or a sclerosing agent or glue is than used block the abnormal veins .As compared to traditional surgical methods, embolization has benefits such as reduced recovery time, minimal scarring.The return to daily activities is quick. Cost of Varicocele Embolization in India Varicocele embolisation is advance procedure which is available at limited places. The cost of varicocele embolization in India depends on multiple fa...